Client Testimonials

We’ve Helped Over 100 US Small Businesses Eliminate IT Issues—For Good

Reputation is Important in IT

At Infidati, we’ve never been the type of company willing to rest on our laurels. It’s one thing for us to tell you what a meaningful change we can be for your business. It’s another thing to let our satisfied clients tell you themselves.

Here are just a few of the businesses that we’re honored to have served and helped succeed throughout the years:

  • Bethany Salvato

    Infidati: Safe Sleep! - CTO

    “While I understand that our application is always at risk for hack attempts, I sleep much better at night knowing that Infidati is monitoring our systems.  You’ve always been available anytime we have had to contact you.  I’m very grateful for everything you guys do for us.”

  • Joshua Hiebel

    Rapid Stress-Free Support! - Saratoga Wine Exchange

    “I appreciate what you have been doing for us and while I know it is what we are paying you for I really appreciate your quick response times and attentive service when we have had issues.  Lets me worry about one less thing.”

  • Jason Wilkins

    Database Performance Savior! - Senior Network Engineer

    “Our databases are no longer experiencing daily performance issues, which has been a problem for us for many months.  You’ve saved me so many times, I’ve lost count.”

  • Patrick Murphy

    “Outstanding” - ACS Shows

    You folks are outstanding.  You know everything that I don’t, handle everything that I can’t and respond so quickly that I feel like your only client.  Only my mother has made me feel safer.  Thank you!

  • Rob Roesler

    “Very Responsive” -

    I want you to know what a great first impression you’ve made, followed up with great follow through. I know it’s probably all routine for you, but our little company is in far better shape than it was a week ago and I really appreciate a vendor that is so responsive. I can’t thank you enough!